robot hire - josh mk2

Robot Hire -Josh Mk2

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 Robot Hire -JoshMK2

Robot Hire -JoshMK2

Robot Hire – Josh Mk2

  •  Standing over 6 ft tall
  • Android tablet panel – ideal for displaying corporate videos
  • Light system
  • Bluetooth sound
  • RoboAd™ :The use of Robots (Walkabout/Mechanical and electronic) commercially as an advertising method/form. This includes:Robots Direct generated sounds and voices, Running Video,marketing of products,displaying logos,films,photos and apps and direction services i.e. Airport/Museum and event guide. Use of all forms of digital media- that can be promoted with the use of Robots – i.e. MP3 files, MP4 videos and Office Applications
    Robots Direct PC based monitors and embedded screens/Digital Panels(photo frames)Apple devices ie iPads,iphone screens
    Microsoft Windows PC Tablets
    Google Android/Chrome tablet devices)
    Robots Direct slides and panels. This list is not inclusive, however; does include the otherwise use of robot bodies for commercial/sponsorship endorsement